09 Oktober - 30 November
Markthalle Basel
Our Exhibition Concept
Artists are allowed to try their hand and present their work to a wide audience, whether they have a special affinity for art or not. In duo exhibitions, works are shown for ten days each. Exciting insights can be expected from the juxtaposition of two artists (of different genres). At the same time, the audience and participants will get a quick impression of the work of various artists. And last but not least: The exhibitions serve the networking in two ways. The artists exhibit in pairs, which allows for a direct exchange of experiences. Secondly, the exchange of knowledge is deepened at joint dinners with professionals. On eight Sundays in October and November there will be alternating vernissages and networking events.
The documentation of the four exhibitions, with a direct link, can be found here:
Click here to get to the exhibition with Bianca Caderas and Johannes Runge
Click here to get to the exhibition with Zaide Kutay and Cécile Haesler
Click here to get to the exhibition with Tina Friebel and Kaja Eng
Click here to get to the exhibition with Simeon Dimitrov and Jan Pulfer