Markthalle Basel
The third exhibition in the series «Art on Sunday» took place from 06.11. to 16.11. The exhibiting artists were Tina Friebel and Kaja Eng. For Tina Friebel it was the first time that she showed her paintings at an exhibition, as well as Kaja Eng’s art with rugs (tufting). There is excellent harmony between the two bodies of work created by the artists who share a studio. The works of the artists complement each other, despite the fact that they focus on different areas.
Almost 60 people were present at the Vernissage, and once again a DJ provided the appropriate atmosphere. At the request of the artists, sushi was served as an aperitif, which was quickly enjoyed by the audience. Eng was able to sell two works even before the beginning of the apéro. The audience arrived in time and the evening did not extend as long as the last two Vernissages.
The visitors present were very impressed by the various artworks. In addition, this exhibition breaks with the figurative emphasis that was the focus of the two previous exhibitions.
Both Friebel and Eng also deal with abstract elements in their works. In addition, many visitors were surprised and delighted by the rugs. In the case of Friebel’s prints, there was intense discussion about what was being depicted and how it was produced. The works and the presentation of the works brought a peacefulness into the exhibition space that had not occurred previously.
As a surprising result, many children were quite interested in the artworks as well. The exhibition was well received by the general public. Various conversations arose about the forms and motifs of the displayed artworks. Many guests appreciated the concrete motifs and were rather overwhelmed by the abstract works.
Through the different shapes in the works of both artists, one could also perceive a sense of harmony. Due to this balance, the exhibition encouraged visitors to remain.
On average, 17 people visited the exhibition each day, with a total of approximately 160 visitors.
On the final day of the exhibition, which was Wednesday, 16.11, the Kunstpalaver was held with the guests Irene Maag and Till Langschied. The latter happened to be already familiar with Kaja Eng, as both studied fine arts. Together, Tina Friebel and Kaja Eng completed the Master’s in Teaching Art and Design. The gathering quickly got into the discussion of the meaning of curating. Shops, festivals, events and exhibitions can all be theoretically curated. Fundamentally, the group found that a curator «takes care» of the visitors, and «takes them by the hand».
In these series of exhibitions, formal-aesthetic references apply first and foremost; theme exhibitions would be in need of other combinations regarding artists and methods of display. A rather extreme example is Langschied’s earlier 24-hour exhibition project in a porn cinema during the Art Basel Art Fair: Setup-execution-disassembly in a single day. The result: an extremely well-visited happening with outstanding art from the region.
Irene Maag, on the other hand, speaks of different professional backgrounds: Sculptor, performance artist and art mediator – these three pillars of her career culminated only recently in a performative tour in the sculpture park in Allschwil. Eng separates her profession as an art mediator from tufting, in which she lives out more of her artistic freedom.
What motivation for painting drives Friebel, also an art mediator?
She differentiates less drastically than Eng, in art she can delve in and explore techniques, be it painting, printmaking or the like.
And lastly, there were questions about applying to offspaces and about the web presence of contemporary artists. On the subject of their presence on the web: what should they show when their own art can be copied/used immediately? The two guests see this as less problematic, Langschied pleads for an open approach. Maag speaks of the individual preference of how artists design their websites. If Eng and Friebel feel strongly about this question, it is advisable to seek advice, such as from the Visarte art association, on whose board Maag sits.
Regarding applying to offspaces: Here, both advise courageous, regular submissions and that one should not be disappointed if one does not succeed. It is important to keep your eyes open for open calls. Langschied also applies almost exclusively as a collective and not, or rarely, as an individual artist. A summary of the Kunstpalaver by the exhibitors: “It has made a difference!”
In Tina Friebel’s art, the works are very interesting to view. The abstract nature of the paintings often leaves visitors thinking about the motives represented in them. The free brushstrokes and color combinations give Friebel’s paintings a calm, mysterious feel.
In Kaja Eng’s work, she often plays with the format of the rug. In their works, the motives are distorted and free. There is a connection between the carpets and the everyday or recognisable, but due to the way they are applied, they gain an identity of their own.
The exhibition is now closed, but a handout of the works on display and the artist’s contact details are attached. The artists and we are looking forward to a continued exchange.