Markthalle Basel
The first exhibition of a duo in the series «Art on Sunday» took part in the Markthalle Basel on 19.10.2022. The project is about giving young and local artists an space to show and sell their work. The Vernissage was a great success with about 60 guests who appreciated the start and the pieces of the two artists. A DJ reinforced the Vernissage and opened with an apéritif. Several people commented on the exhibition and we had a nice Sunday evening together. Fortunately, both artists, Johannes Runge and Bianca Caderas, forethought to sell some of their works to keen individuals and they got somewhat affirmed in their artistic work. 110 visitors attended the exhibition over ten days, among them individuals engaged in investing. In the photographs of Johannes Runge, one can see the different throughout pictures and powerful images. The themes are divers but really capturing. Adding with the texts that he exhibited it is a really beautiful insight into the mind of this young artist. The animations of Bianca Caderas are a great contrast to Johannes Runges artworks. She empasized more into storytelling with bright colors and drawn story. It was her first time to exhibit outside of the cinema. The first «Kunstpalaver» held place on Sunday, 16.10. We encouraged Brigitte Fässler to assist Bianca Caderas and Daniel Kissling to support Johannes Runge. The conversation opened with a dinner and with Christophe Schneider and Martha Kapfhammer. After a brief introduction, the discussion turned personal to the promotion of artists and cultural institutions through third-party financing. It was hardly about foundations and more about sponsors and crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is optimal for the «last mile» of a project. Trust funds are relevant for picking up a project started sustainably. Besides association and lobbying work, cultural experience was taken into consideration: Visarte and Balimage on the one hand, cantonal political parties on the other. There was a recurring exchange of viable career paths for artists based on the fields of the writers: self-employed, commissioned work, and partnerships. Is there any practice example? Brigitte Fässler explained cross-disciplinary teamwork with technologies and subjects which happened to be unfamiliar to her (short film on fear, «Twisted Sister» auction with NFT). Daniel Kissling reveals how cultural workers can start and manage platforms. His engagement to Olten Jetzt! and KIFF as easily as the creation of Narr magazine illustrates how cultural workers can create and use platforms. It is unmistakable that there is a fascination for personal responsibility in creative work, i.e., formulating and carrying out one’s own intentions. Commissioned work and collaborations in which artists are assigned to share their craft are embraced. The participants valued the exchange and requested to receive their mutual contacts. The combo of the distinct art styles was welcomed, and someone likewise acknowledged the diversity. Because of the peculiar styles of both artists and the handouts produced, it was apparent which artist displayed to most guests. Guests were further ready to take advantage of the seating available and to observe the animation by Bianca Caderas or read the passages by Johannes Runge. Please find below the handout with the displayed pieces and the artists’ contact information for further involvement.