Are you looking for a job or are you starting a self-employment? Here you can find tips and links which can be helpful for artists.
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Artist: a profession (?)
Tips for self-employment
This is an ongoing project we are currently working on. It consists of a graphic with a sort of overview of helpful resources for artists and creatives in Switzerland, with a focus on the city of Basel. Much of the information can also be applied to other professions, such as how to register as a self-employed person and what tax regulations and social security contributions need to be taken into account.
The interactive graphic aims to provide insightful information for freelance creative professionals who are trying to find their way through the Swiss bureaucracy and the Swiss arts and arts and culture system. Although much official information on these topics is available online, it is scattered across many websites of various institutions and for the most part only available in German, French or Italian. We want to make this information easier to find, more accessible to people who do not speak any of the national languages and collected in one place.
We are currently working on translating more of the information available to English, so keep checking for updates.
The information on this map does not constitute legal advice and is subject to change at any time.
Concept und Research: Matilde Martins
Support by: Manuel Justo
List of websites for job search
The search for a job can be exhausting – we feel you! That’s why we have compiled a list that may help you down the road. Do you know any other useful sites? Feel free to *contact us* per email! 😀
Websites with great tips for getting started –> First aid for the initial steps into the profession in design and art. From explanations of established terms to tips & tricks about work environment. de –> Employer profiles and tips on how to apply. de –> Unemployment insurance and public employment service portal. en/fr/it/de –> Tips and tricks around the topic of finding a job: Interview tips, employment law, dealing with recruitment agencies, job market, etc. Also with job market. de
For students & graduates –> Jobs, internships, company portraits, events and career newsletters. de –> Job board, information & advice, link lists, events and happenings by the University of Zurich. en/de –> Job platform for graduates of universities of applied sciences FH. de –> Jobs for students and graduates: Permanent positions, temporary positions, internships. de –> Job exchange for executives and professionals, with entry-level positions for university graduates, company search and hotmail service. en/fr/de –> Study, jobs & career, housing, travel, nightlife. fr/de
Arts, culture and media –> The platform of museums in Switzerland. With educational offers, publications and job postings. en/fr/it/de –> Job exchange of the University of Basel, Faculty of Philosophy and History. de –> Open calls, jobs, spaces. A project of Migros-Kulturprozentes. fr/de –> Information service and service provider for specialists and executives in the European cultural sector with job advertisements from throughout the German-speaking region. de –> Job market of the media and communication industry: graphics, multimedia, media, journalism, marketing, advertising, PR, communication, etc. de –> Industry portal for communications and media services. de –> Platform where you can search for worldwide open calls for artists, such as stipends, grants, residencies, exhibition and public art calls and prize competitions. It’s paid (3,49€ p/month) but you can see a couple of opportunities every month for free on their website and Instagram. HERE you can also read recommendations on how to write an artist statement, create your portfolio, write an artist cv or write a project statement. en/fr/de –> Worldwide network of arts residencies. en –> Various job descriptions in the communications industry (from strategy to production, across media) and current job offers. fr/de
Architecture –> Online platform by and for architects with addresses of architects’ offices and job exchange. de –> Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects. Job platform only in german: >dienstleistungen >sia-service >stellenbörse. en/fr/it/de
General Job Platforms –> Largest job market in Switzerland with application guide, self-analysis, online profile and job mail. en/fr/de –> International job platform with questionnaire for the analysis of self-, social- and leadership competencies. en/fr/de –> Very large international job platform with job offers, job search info, movement guide, online resume, job mail, etc. multiple languages
For women* –> Jobs from companies, universities and administrations that actively promote women* as specialists and represented in management positions. de –> Platform for information, communication and networking of gender research and equal opportunities at Swiss universities. en/fr/it/de –> Job platform for women*. de
Public Service –> Swiss job portal: Open positions at the federal government, cantons, municipalities and public companies. fr/de –> Federal job advertiser. fr/it/de