Thanks to numerous and generous supporters, our crowdfunding on was successful! We are looking forward to keeping you up to date with more exciting and informative interviews!


That’s what it’s about

Hello, my name is Ina. I graduated from HGK Basel in 2020 and am a founding member of the association Out & About.

Our name plays with our principle “out of school and about to work” and the English phrase “Out & About”, which means to be active, to be out and about, to meet friends – in short, to be in the middle of life and to take things actively into one’s own hands.

An activity that is currently severely limited by Covid19. Instead of being outside, we are inside; and instead of being “on the road”, we are in a passive waiting position for what is yet to come. Especially after a recent graduation or upcoming career changes, this can be a nerve-wracking experience.

“The main focus of the project is to support young professionals* in the cultural sector, responding directly to the crisis-ridden months of the Covid19 pandemic.”

What is special about our project

Our primary target group are creative professionals graduating from HGK Basel in 2020 and 2021, but also artists, art educators, designers and curators from the region.

The main focus of the project is on supporting young professionals in the cultural sector and thus responds directly to the crisis-ridden months of the Covid19 pandemic, which have contributed to a worsening of the job situation, especially in the cultural sector. Particular focus will be placed on the situation of women and groups of people who continue to be relatively underrepresented in the arts and cultural scene and can therefore particularly benefit from increased visibility and support.

In the coming year we will let you participate in conversations with experts and give you exemplary insights into different professions, but also helpful tips about tools & methods for working life.

For this we need support

In the coming year we will let you participate in conversations with experts and give you exemplary insights into different professions, but also helpful tips about tools & methods for working life.

On the one hand, we will achieve this through qualitative video interviews, in which we will be given deeper insights into various vitas and professions. For example, from the artist Hannah Weinberger or the head of art education at the Fondation Beyeler, Janine Schmutz. Online, we would like to exchange ideas with alumni and get into conversation with each other via online chats and forums. All offers are provided free of charge and bilingually in order to meet our claim of inclusion.

We provide working hours, commitment and networking as our own contribution, but are urgently dependent on external funding to enable fair fees and technical implementation, for example.

We are grateful to be supported by the GGG Foundation, Gesellschaft für das gute und Gemeinnützige Basel, the Migros Kulturprozent and CMS AG Soforthilfe. However, in order to secure the project for its entire duration and to continue to make it available free of charge to our fellow alumni, we are also dependent on support.