Meet the Team! To give you a little insight into the team behind Out & About, we asked each other questions and told about our backgrounds and motivations. First of all, Ina Bandixen, the project initiator, answers our questions!


Ina: If you knew that in one year you would become internationally famous through your art, would you change anything about the way you are living now?

Matilde: I don’t think so. Maybe just enjoy my anonymity more while it lasts. I think I would also take the chance to try a lot of stuff artistically while there’s not so much outside pressure.

“I wish that interviews could go more both ways.”

Catherin: What was the worst question you have been asked in a job / academy interview? Which questions would you like to be asked?

Two of the most difficult to answer are why I want that job, or where I would see myself in 5 years. Maybe these are also the best ones (although they’re a bit boring and overused), precisely because they are the most uncomfortable ones, since they make me question myself and reevaluate my decisions.

More than what I would like to be asked, I wish that interviews could go more both ways, i.e. that it would be more natural and common for job/education seekers to interview their prospective schools/bosses in detail, without fear of being dismissed from the position for doing so.

Martha: How did your passion for painting start and how does it benefit the themes that you want to narrate in your artworks?

I think my interest for painting and drawing really started when I was quite young, around 5 or 6 years old, for a boring reason actually (or better yet, out of boredom). Around that time I usually had to wait after school was over for my parents to pick me up, sometimes for a long time, so I just stayed in school and kept myself entertained drawing and painting for hours. So I can thank my parents for keeping me waiting.

I don’t think of the themes or concepts of my works as coming second to the medium I use, which usually is either drawing or painting. Sometimes it does come second, but a lot of times I just choose these mediums because I really enjoy them.