Meet the Team! To give you a little insight into the team behind Out & About, we asked each other questions and told about our backgrounds and motivations. First of all, Ina Bandixen, the project initiator, answers our questions!


Matilde: What do you dislike about the job-seeking process? Is there anything you enjoy about it?

Martha: Probably the only thing that I enjoy about the application process is that there are many different jobs I can try out and apply for. The thing that I dislike about the process is that it’s like a mistery riddle that I need to solve. If I am good at it I might get an award and if not, I need to search for an “easier” one that is more fitting for myself.

“Regarding my education, I was always interested in telling a story with artworks and the reaction from other people.”

Catherin: Regarding your education (studies): Was there a specific moment you remember, when you could say “that’s the right studies for me”? And what are your plans now?

Regarding my education, I was always interested in telling a story with artworks and the reaction from other people. It doesn’t matter if it was my ideas that I want to tell or from others. The studies helped me to understand different opinions and works that I thought were boring. But what I learned outside my studies made me really develop and influence my way of thinking. The studies balanced the other things in my life out in a weird way and that’s why I proceeded.

My plans for now are not really made yet. I’m not sure if I would like to do something socially or in the cultural work field.

Ina: If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any quality or ability, what would it be? What would you do first with it?

I would love to be in charge of how long I could live. So I can be longer on earth and appreciate the changing and evolving from nature and society. I would probably start to document the climate changes in different parts of the world and see what will happen in the next hundreds of years. I would also have time to do all the things that I want to do but haven’t found the time or passion to do it yet.