What challenge are you currently facing in your artistic work?
Lately I’ve been preoccupied with how to deal with my countless works. (In the back of my mind: What happens afterwards?) Does it make sense to always produce something new? How can I transform the existing/my mountain of material into my present?
What do you currently lack in the art world and what should change so that this is no longer the case?
My medium is printmaking. I wonder how printmaking/print art is perceived in contemporary art in our country?
What do you hope to gain from the next few months of Peer to Peer and the studio visits?
To get to know other artists, how they work, what moves them. That new joint projects could emerge.
Helga Halbritter works with the coincidental in her printmaking in several senses. On the one hand, she uses what has fallen to her in the sense of found objects of all kinds, be they pictures, objects or words, which become for her the starting point of her artistic process. On the other hand, chance or the unpredictable plays an important role in her work, which is related to her joy in experimenting and exploring the possibilities of various printing techniques. In her exploratory further development, she allows herself to be guided by the haptic sensuality and resistance of the materials.
– Eveline Schüep, February 2019