Matilde: You approached me in September last year with an interesting idea for something that would later develop into Out & About. What motivated you at first to begin this project?
Ina: The “idea” started to bud after I became a mother. I would often encounter slightly varying, gendered expectations. Originally, I wanted to create a small group to talk about gender related things and find solutions together.
However, facing the pandemic it became urgent to talk about the work in the arts and culture sector. The core idea of mutual support though has remained! I’m truly, very happy to see the initial idea becoming so much more through teamwork. I eagerly look forward to our project and to fruitful dialogues with you and the community.
“I’m truly, very happy to see the initial idea becoming so much more through teamwork.”
Catherin: If you would receive an “unconditional basic income”, how would you imagine your life to change?
Firstly, I would LOVE IT. I think it would give so many people a basis for independence, even on a tiny level. I imagine my life to be quite similar to what it is right now. I would still produce random ideas, do work for others in a small studio, work in a bar from time to time and live life with my family.
However, I would probably have more time and money for sports and fancy design tools.
Martha: Which design/pattern follows you through life and appears in your mind at the weirdest situations?
More than a particular pattern, it is my daily life that strongly influences my perception. When I design something that revolves around triangles, I just see triangles everywhere I go. Incidentally, this also applies to social issues, for example gender-specific communication. Once you know what to look out for, you’ll see it everywhere. There is always something that “haunts” me, only it varies all the time.